Ornament. Ancient sacred symbols
From a physical point of view, an ornament is simply some kind of pattern that is aesthetically appealing. But this is only a superficial understanding. Such patterns are a more perfect language, in which you can talk not only with other people, but also with the Universe.
Ornaments in the ancient Slavs were used as amulets: it is not just a tradition, it is something that really works. The ancient Slavs knew that with the help of ornaments you can express the very language of Nature, which has never been hostile to people. And by using ornaments, you can attract divine forces for your defence. It was also found out that images and patterns of our ancestors are not just drawings — they are able to deliver information to the oldest part of the brain — the medulla oblongata, where the deepest codes of our memory are stored. Thus, Slavic patterns are able to have a profound positive effect on both the body and consciousness of a person.
Ornaments reflect the impact of sound, and therefore such patterns themselves are also capable of structuring water and, therefore, directly influence human health, harmonise all its internal systems with nature.
Thus, the clothes of the ancient Slavs, embroidered with sacral ornaments, can not only correct DNA failures, improve health, harmonise consciousness, but also at a deep level to establish harmony between people and nature.
Ancient Slavic ornaments are not just patterns, but sacral symbols, which are able to restore a person’s health, harmonise his consciousness, increase awareness and a sense of unity with the Universe.
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TITLE: Ornament
YEAR: 2024
ARTWORK TYPE: Original Art/One of a kind
DIMENSIONS: 45х25 cm