Awareness of beauty will save the world
Nikolay Roerikh

Yuliia Kovalska
Kiev, Ukraine
Technique — acrylic, watercolor.
The art school of Mother Theodora, the icon-painting workshop at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
Workshop of the Laureate of the Prize Fyodor Krichevsky «The Best Artist of Kiev — 2016», a graduate of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine in the city of Kiev Svetlana Anoshkina.
I was born and live in Kiev. I really love this beautiful ancient city with its unique spiritual and creative atmosphere. Probably, it was thanks to this blessed city that I seriously began to paint and got the opportunity to study painting at the art school of Mother Theodora at the icon-painting workshop in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Although the foundations of creativity were laid in me as a child by my mother and grandmother, who, doing various types of home handicrafts with me (sewing, knitting and crocheting, beading and cross-stitching, weaving withe and much more), taught me to see and awareness the beauty… These hobbies since childhood and adolescence became the basis of my creative activity, stayed with me for the rest of my life and gave me the opportunity to express my impressions, hopes and dreams, embodying them in works of art.
After all, any work of art is the embodiment of what the eyes see, the ears hear, the memory keeps and the imagination draws.
My paintings are my vision of the world, how I see it or want to see it. Through the paintings I am sharing this vision of the world with you. In my daily life as well as in my creativity I am guided by a statement of the great Russian philosopher and artist Nikolay Roerikh: «Awareness of beauty will save the world». Therefore, I always try to put my brightest and most vivid impressions and memories on canvas with the hope, that my works will make this world better.
And this is the meaning of my creativity, enriches me spiritually, makes me happy. The great artist Vincent van Gogh wrote very well about this: «In my opinion, I am often rich as Crœsus, not in money, but (though it doesn’t happen every day) rich, because I have found in my work something to which I can devote myself heart and soul, and which gives inspiration and significance to life».